Well, that was an experience!
My first exposure to hi-fi enthusiasts and I was really quite staggered how many of you are out there. We arrived at the venue 6.30pm Saturday evening and was still setting up at 9.00pm in the evening at which point we were asked to leave. We went back early the next morning to resume. We just about made it as the first visitors arrived. In truth, we were a little frustrated as we did not manage to get our new AudioVectors sounding anything like as good as they did the previous day in our listening room. The environment just was not quite right. The Acousta 116’s however performed very well. We had a succession of visitors throughout the day, all having far more knowledge than myself!
Overall, a great first experience. A staggering number of stallholders and visitors and very well run. I arrived back late Sunday evening to have the great pleasure of unloading a significant amount of equipment from the van in the pouring rain. My helpers had long disappeared to other parts of the country.
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